Wednesday, 13 February 2013

10 Reasons Why Sex Is Good For You

Yeah… as if we need reasons! But you may be surprised at the benefits of a boink.


1 – Sex Relieves Stress

Having sex on a regular basis can lower blood pressure and studies have shown that having good sex can reduce stress levels, while emotional support such as cuddling up with your loved one doesn’t have the same effect.

2 – Sex Burns Calories

Thirty minutes of sex burns around 85 calories. That may not sound like much, but having sex on a regular basis will burn calories and great alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise!

3 – Sex Improves Cardiovascular Health

With sex being a form of exercise and lowering blood pressure, this will improve your heart’s health. As well as that, having sex releases the hormone oestrogen which helps protect against heart disease. The more sex you have, the higher the oestrogen levels.

4 – Sex Boosts Immunity

Having good sex helps to improve your general health. Regular sex of once or twice a week show higher levels of antibodies which help protect against colds and other bugs.

5 – Sex Improves Intimacy

Oxytocin (also known as the ‘Love Hormone’) helps us to bond and build trust with other people, and especially essential for relationships. Having sex and orgasms releases the Oxytocin hormone and is why we can often feel ‘cuddly’ after sex.

6 – Sex Boosts Self-Esteem

Women find that they can feel more confident with that ‘post-sex’ glow. They can feel more comfortable with their partners after having sex (with the help of Oxytocin) and their self-esteem can be boosted with the good feeling!

7 – Sex Reduces Pain

An orgasm releases a number of hormones, including endorphins. Endorphins have a similar chemical structure to Morphine and are the body’s natural pain relieving method. Orgasm and regular sex or masturbation can release endorphins, and is the reason why many women find that sex or orgasms help with PMS symptoms. They are also helpful for other pains too.

8 – Sex Helps You Sleep Better

If you want a good night’s sleep then achieving an orgasm before saying ‘goodnight’ can be a great natural remedy! An orgasm releases many hormones, and there are three main hormones released that are particularly good for helping you sleep.

Progesterone is what makes you feel relaxed and subdues your sexual hunger after an orgasm. That feeling of content as well as passiveness, (and not to forget drowsiness,) is the cause of progesterone levels. Prolactin encourages that drowsiness and reduces your sexual desire after an orgasm. Melatonin reinforces the prolactin effects and helps encourage a deep sleep after sex. Nighty night.

9 – Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

Kegal exercises have several benefits, including strengthening the pelvic area, improving the intensity of orgasms and helps to reduce bladder weakness problems later in life. Having sex and orgasms cause you to naturally work your kegal muscles and help to strengthen them up.

10 – Sex Fights Aging

Sex is a form of exercise as it increases the heart rate and burns calories, and this can battle the aging process. Apparently, nursing home experts say they wish that seniors had more sex.
Off to bed you go then! ;-)


  1. I always thought having a lot of sex would weaken and stretch out your pelvic floor muscles. I'm very glad to hear the opposite is true!

  2. That explains my lack of sleep recently! haha!
